BACK TO CSP! This was drawn during the infamous Pokémon Master Sex anniversary I described briefly in the blog section(and so is the piece after this one). The Arc Suit designs vary from terrible to deece, since they're just their regular clothes with a white, black and yellow slap of paint, but thank goodness Steven got a pretty decent one. Of course people had to go and scream "aaaah, his clothes are mixed up with Wallace's!" ...which could be, as a little bone thrown to the fujos, but then again this game shipped him not just with Wallace, but also with Zinnia, Roxanne, and with the protag (obviously toning the lodge dialogue down in terror of the puriteen mob, no matter the vast majority of this game's audience is working class and very legal women forced to be represented in-game by the umpteenth fucking snotty 10 year old brat), so I wouldn't really trust pokemas with shipping, it's just trying to give fanservice to every possible type of fan, so that they will be happier to swipe their card.
Rant aside, since the shark-jumping in the game's story saw the god-powered-blessing of the character, I wanted to draw something that gave the same enigmatic, benevolent and a bit pitiful vibe a "divine character" should give. When my friends looked at it, though, they didn't really know what to think about it, so there's that. I went with a buncha hatching because I felt like it, it's my favorite thing to do when I draw analog usually.